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A Current Affair - another bashing of the hoons (justified)

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 9:51 am
by Matsuda9
could not find a way to embed the video so here is a link ... dfae8270ae

here is original Youtube


even though i never agree with current affair and the rest of them in the way they covering the 'hoon' issues, just like this one, making a hell of a intense in your face bull crap journalism to scare the old ladies. this time i do agree with them, stupid... hella stupid.

but part of me just wishes that all of that was filmed 'under controlled conditions'... just so stupid and unbelievably ignorant media would chew its words... i do wish they would cover more on the drunk drivers issues

i can't understand why there are no avenues for auto enthusiast to do what they like, the tracks are rare and expensive and locals complaining about the race track even though they moved there knowing that its there. and even if you do go to the track, you most likely then not to be hustled by the laws finest on exit (like the buying original DVD then subjected to advertising and implying that i am a bustard and i would copy this, i paid for it DAMN IT)

i don't know, i am no longer young... but i don't feel like we are getting treated with any respect.

i'm starting to feel that Auto Enthusiasts (hot rodders excluded, they seem to get away with anything) are a group that is 'in' to be hated/discriminated against. we can't say things based on race, age, background... so we will discriminate on interests?

honestly i am concerned about the amount of sexylands and club-xs (and their size and no longer hiding their merchandise) placed in school zones for god sakes.... let mummy and daddy pick up some leather whips while waiting for little timmy to finish school...


A Current Affair - another bashing of the hoons (justified)

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 8:12 am
by Matsuda9

Re: A Current Affair - another bashing of the hoons (justified)

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 8:22 am
by Matsuda9

Re: A Current Affair - another bashing of the hoons (justified)

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 10:07 am
by Matsuda9
here is Today Tonight rebattle (click: Hoon craze)

A Current Affair - another bashing of the hoons (justified)

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 2:24 pm
by SilentWizard
I agree with you. What I don't agree with is them saying it's Top Gears fault.
LOL @ the Kiwi cop showing off for the kids. That's sooo safe :roll:

Re: A Current Affair - another bashing of the hoons (justified)

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 7:43 pm
by Matsuda9
well here in Oz we have a thing (legally) the cop can judge what is dangerous and what is not because he is a cop, so in defence of the Kiwi, he is aware of the dangers and he is keeping it safe without crossing the danger line :lol:

A Current Affair - another bashing of the hoons (justified)

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 3:14 pm
by SilentWizard
It reminds me of that movie Superbad when the cops are out playing in the parking lot. That part was so funny.

Re: A Current Affair - another bashing of the hoons (justified)

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 10:29 am
by alpha
that cop thing happend like 2 or 3 years ago, and media is all over the show about it now:)only cause some parent raised the complaint.
funny how he said figure 8s and donuts, personally i havent seen a single time when the car broke traction in those 5 mins in that video...

Re: A Current Affair - another bashing of the hoons (justified)

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 5:36 am
by yakuza
nothin like a bit of media sensationalism to yet again f*ck things up for car enthusiasts.
you are right matsuda we dont get treated with any respect. unfortunately due to vl & vn commodore drivers and a select few import drivers we have all now been tarred with the same brush. so now we are all considered "hoons" and are guilty until proved innocent.